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Moving on from the concept, I started to see the configuration of the site. By doing this it allows me to see any exterior aspects that can affect the design of the building.

The mountainous form of the building for the two main towers

The south part of the building is a threat to the light entering the central atrium.

"Market" Space. This is where I have decided to place the knowledge market areas

The southernmost part that faces the street becomes the attraction of the building.

Northern part remains untouched. It will be used for landscaping

The core and its neighbouring structure creates a kind of frame of a view. However the right tower will create shadows into the central pathway.


South tower has been eliminated allowing light into the atrium.

To induce movement of people from the mains street, I have cut the building on the south creating an entrance

Building divided into three parts 

Massing shows the distribution of spaces around the central core ( library and housing)

The main spaces were pushed on the opposite sides to create two nodes. The knowledge market then sits in-between these forcing circulation

The library and housing elongated horizontally towards the north to prevent the building from being too high.


The next step for me was to arrange these spaces that I have created onto the site itself. This is to see how these spaces would work with one another and how it would interconnnect to create a whole building.

Entrance to apartments



Central atrium




Multipurpose rooms

Service core

Learning kitchen

Art studio/gallery



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