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I have decided to create a series of drawings of snapshots moving into the building to allow more understanding of it

Moving towards the building

A walkthrough between cafe and workshop

Sitting area 

The main atrium


The plan was developed from the sketches and overall form of the building was created to be mimic the form of several pitched tents together to emphasize the random and informality of the building.

I based the plans on two major atria ; one on the south and one to the north skewed. From these two I then added another connection between them cutting the building in half

The spaces in the building was then divided into four parts with the major spaces occupying each part.

Bridges connecting south and north


Art studio on first floor with windows

facing north into the main atrium

Classrooms arranged in a push and pull manner to break the formality of a straight line

Workshops are located on the south east

facing the streetfront to benefit from the

south light

Cafe on the south side acting as the first

attraction into the building

Interior of the library

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