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On the East Wing of the building, to create that same language of push and pull with the West Wing, I wanted to create an outdoor space extending the frames of the atrium for various activities i.e open day

The small entrance sitting in-between the South and East Wing of the building overlooking into the main courtyard/plaza that faces the main road

I created the plaza in a way such that it is angled towards the small entrance towards the building attracting people.

Greenery on the main plaza as to create a park of some sort rather than just pavements


On the southern part of the building, the lanscape created is geared towards the public where it beckons the public to come and visit the building. There are two parts to this which is the main plaza and the East Wing wooden frame

South Wing- Cafe

East Wing

The cafe on the South Wing can be opened towards the plaza during sunny days allowing for connection of the interior to the plaza.


For the East Wing, I sought to create the outdoor space by making wooden frames where people can do activities. One precedent that I looked at which has similar characteristics albeit on a larger scale is the Parc De La Villette by Bernard Tschumi. The follies creates a space for the people to do activities.

For the outdoor wooden frames, I started by arranging them in a grid like pattern on the East Wing. Similar to Parc De La Villette, it allows me to play with the spaces in between these grids where seating areas can be places but also include a play area.

Perspective of the space


For the northern part of the building, I have decided to employ the empty plot of land and create a natural water treatment facility continuing the idea from Technological Discourse 3 which has been undertaken beforehand. Doing this allows me to create a landscape and also helps with the water recycling from the building.


Taking precedent from the Emory University Water Hub,  they have created the Waterhub skillfully where it takes minimal space but also creates a kind of lanscape in the university. 

Natural/Artificial wetlands to treat water. Wetland plants that is used will be those that does not require much attention to care.

Pathways created to retain the connection between the small roads

Low height trees on this side of the landscape to allow surrounding residents to have a view of the building.

Taller trees on this side to help with the noise dampening from Princess Parkway

Nearby the wetlands, I wanted to create sitting areas as to allow the people to benefit from the landscape created

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